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5G connectivity for all .. Launching the first 5G satellite in space to connect the Internet to all

5G connectivity for all .. Launching the first 5G satellite in space to connect the Internet to all

 In a landmark event, SpaceX has launched the first 5G satellite into space, called GroundBreaker, which promises to revolutionize global connectivity and facilitate access to the Internet of Things (IoT) around the world. The project, led by Barcelona-based company Sateliot , aims to bridge gaps in data and communications networks around the world.  

The first 5G satellite in the constellation, GroundBreaker, is a small 10kg device orbiting the Earth in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This satellite is the first in a series of more than 250 satellites that will be part of the Sateliot_X constellation. These satellites will communicate with terrestrial cell phone towers to provide coverage in areas that suffer from data network coverage.

With its enhanced global coverage, Sateliot_X seeks to influence several public and private markets, such as road, rail, air and sea transport. By integrating the Internet of Things into a cohesive network between terrestrial and orbital cellular relays, the efficiency of hundreds of industries is expected to benefit.

Thanks to this innovative technology, users will be able to switch from a terrestrial network to a non-terrestrial 5G network without the need to purchase additional hardware, such as antennas or modems. They will also be able to continue using existing SIM cards and mobile carriers, facilitating mass adoption of the Internet of Things globally.

As the constellation expands, each satellite will orbit Earth every 90 minutes, providing coverage areas three times the size of a city like Texas. With these characteristics, Sateliot aspires to cover the 85% of the planet that currently lacks mobile connectivity.


Although Sateliot hasn't announced when the next satellite will launch and its launch vehicle, the company has already generated more than $1.3 billion in sales. On the other hand, other massive satellite constellation projects are under development, such as SpaceX's Starlink, the European Union and China, and Amazon's Kuiper project, which will be launched in 2024.



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